Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Binkertation: No More Football = Home Improvement Progress!

If there's one thing I really love about football being in the off season, it's the Mr. having the availability and enthusiasm for doing some home improvement projects we've been planning for months.? It's easy for things to get tossed aside when the majority of Sunday is devoted to football, beer, and snacks.? I mean, I get it.? All of that is pretty awesome, however, it IS also really awesome to make some progress on our home.

I can't remember what the saying is, but there's something along the lines of when you own a home, you are NEVER finished updating it, and for us, that couldn't be more true.? For every finished product, there's another on the to do list waiting to be tackled!

That said, I still think it's important to celebrate the successes as the come, so here's what we (Shaun) did a week or so ago.? These updates make my heart happy :)

First up... storage space in our small upstairs bathroom.? This bathroom is adorable, but little!? I had been wanting to add a storge rack with buckets like this for awhile.? I think it instantly updates the bathroom and improves the decor, but it's practical too.? win win!? We're storing toothbrushes/toothpaste in one bucket (also easily accessible for Audrey to get to) and my perfumes in the other.? As you can see, the hooks are great for hanging jewelry!

Next up... just a splash of updating for little man's room.? I want to give you a whoel tour of his room sometime (I love it!), but what you see here is the new hanging fish mobile.? It's simple (made of paper) and I have no idea where I purchased it, but it's the perfect accessory to little man's nautical room.? Since it's so lightweight, it spins all the time and is great for dude to watch as he drifts to sleep.

The final update, you will see above.? This is the great big window in the main/front entrance room of our house.? We love it!? However, until a week ago, the curtains were blocking the view AND we were always holding them back with random ribbon or pushing them behind the bookshelf.? Not very elegant.? I bought these curtain holders, which are mounted to the wall, so long ago at Target, but we finally got around to mounting them.? So easy, and now, we can let the light in on sunny days!

(Beautiful heart cling on display courtesy of Audrey)?

So, that's it.? Nothing major, but just a few little updates that I think make a world of difference!

The next BIG project we have is to paint the kitchen and work on the back splash.? Again, when I say we, I really mean Shaun.

Have you made any home improvements lately?? Any in the works?



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