Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Devil's Heart

There lies a mansion far outside the borders of the town Devil Wood. Where only the predators dare tread. It is said that the Devil that lives there gobbles up any who dare enter his domain. Unless they can strike a bargain with him, but everything has a price. There is only only person ever seen coming and going from that part of the wood. None dare speak to this person in fear of the reaper that would come for them if they did.

Lucastian is the lord of the mansion, his brother Nicolas remains with him as well. Both are cursed, Luc quite literally has a Devil inside of him and Nic must drink blood keep out of direct sunlight to survive. One woman was the downfall of these siblings and she foretold that there would be a woman to seek the brothers aid. Little did they know that it would be a woman for each brother. Dreading the day the woman comes, the brothers hid away inside their home.

Eleanore was taken in by the brothers, feeling sorry for the poor orphan girl. She has grown up around the brothers and would do anything to protect them. She feeds into the dark stories by the townspeople, wanting them all to leave her family be.

The Hunter came to Devil Wood in search of the beast that murdered his love. As well as, to strike a bargain with The Devil.

But things never go as we wish them to....

I am looking for someone to fill The Hunter's role. Feel free to take a peek.

The Devil's Heart

"Its okay, you looked all bad ass until you hit yourself in the face" Shaun from Psych.

"We have to get her the best, 'cuz she's Christmas in a cup!" -A Customer.


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