Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A 'Cat Whisperer' Is Not The Solution For Katy Perry ? Doctor 'Pets'

Katy Perry has been worried about the behaviour of her cats -?Kitty Purry and Krusty The Cat. They have not been behaving as usual, running away and coming for cuddles. To rectify the problem Katy has hired a ?cat whisperer?.

With all due respect to ?cat whisperers? (whatever that means), I would suggest Katy is wasting her money ? not that she has any shortage of it.

All cats hate change. As fas as a cat is concerned, the less things change the better. Change means stress, and stress results in changes of behaviour.

Now, let?s list stressful factors in Katy?s cats? lives: the split with the long time boyfriend Russell Brand, house renovations, constant travel. These things spell one thing for cats ? stress!

So how do you manage stress in cats:

  • Provide safe places. These should be quite, secluded places where a cat will not be disturbed. An upside down cardboard box works well. If the cat travels, the safe place travels with them.
  • Make time for the cat. Even if you are busy. Make sure the time you make for the cat is predictable and consistent. Even a few minutes at a time make a big difference.
  • Try Clomicalm.?Clomicalm is a synthetic cat feromone. It assists in calming a cat down. It?s not a solution to your cat-stress problems but it helps.

I suggest these simple steps could really help Katy?s cat. or your own cat if stress is a factor. And don?t waste the money on ?cat whisperers?.

Tags: cat whisperer, cats, entertainment, how to calm a stressed cat, Katy Perry, Kitty Purry, Krusty The Cat, photo, Russell Brand, stressed cats, veterinary

Dr Vadim Chelom is a Registered Veterinarian, a writer and an educator


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