Sunday, September 30, 2012

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NEW YORK (Reuters) - China said on Thursday that the disagreement over Iran's nuclear program had reached "a new, crucial stage," calling for Tehran to begin a new round of talks with world powers, something a U.S. official said could happen at some point. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi made the comment after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a speech drawing a "red line" for Iran's nuclear program on Thursday, despite a U.S. refusal to set an ultimatum, saying Tehran will be on the brink of a nuclear weapon in less than a year. ...


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Guantanamo's last Western detainee returned to Canada

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - The youngest prisoner and last Westerner held in the Guantanamo military base, Omar Khadr, was sent to finish his sentence in his native Canada on Saturday, the Canadian government said.

Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said that Khadr, who was a 15-year-old fighting in Afghanistan when captured in 2002, had been flown from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to a military base in Trenton, Ontario and transferred to the province's Millhaven maximum-security prison.

Khadr's case has been controversial both in Canada and abroad given his age when he was captured, the nature of his detention and hearing, and the reluctance of Canadian officials to accept his return.

"I am satisfied the Correctional Service of Canada can administer Omar Khadr's sentence in a manner which recognizes the serious nature of the crimes that he has committed and ensure the safety of Canadians is protected during incarceration," Toews said in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

A U.S. war crimes tribunal in 2010 sentenced Khadr, now 26, to 40 years in prison, although he was expected to serve just a few more years under a deal that included his admission he was an al Qaeda conspirator who murdered a U.S. soldier.

Khadr pleaded guilty in 2010 to charges that included murdering American Army medic Christopher Speer with a grenade in a 2002 firefight, conspiring with al Qaeda to commit terrorist acts, making roadside bombs to target U.S. troops in Afghanistan, spying on American military convoys and providing material support for terrorism.

Khadr was the first person since World War Two to be prosecuted in a war crimes tribunal for acts committed as a juvenile. He was the youngest prisoner still at Guantanamo, but younger boys were previously held there.

Canadian-born Khadr was taken to Afghanistan by his father, a senior al Qaeda member who apprenticed the boy to a group of bomb makers who opened fire when U.S. troops came to their compound. Khadr was captured in the firefight, during which he was blinded in one eye and shot twice in the back.

In a written statement, Toews said Canada received Khadr's application for transfer from the United States on April 13, 2012. He said U.S. officials assured Canada it would receive a videotape copy of an interview with Khadr, but it, along with other videotapes of interviews and unedited reports, was not sent until this month.

Former Canadian ambassador Gar Pardy, however, said Canada's Conservative government - which cultivates an image of being tough on crime - dragged out the transfer.

"I think the government was mainly very mean-spirited in how it handled the case," Pardy said to CTV News.

Toews said he continues to be concerned that Khadr "idealizes" his father and denies Ahmed Khadr's association with al Qaeda. The Canadian public safety minister said he is also troubled by how "radicalized" Khadr has become from his time in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Guantanamo Bay.

The U.S. Department of Defense confirmed that it transferred Khadr to Canada, leaving 166 detainees at Guantanamo.

In the 2008 presidential election campaign, President Barack Obama promised to close the Guantanamo prison during his term, but that pledge has gone unfulfilled amid security concerns among Americans and opposition from Congress, which enacted laws making it more difficult to transfer prisoners from Guantanamo.

The transfer represents progress, but the Guantanamo prison should close immediately, said Suzanne Nossel, Amnesty International USA's executive director.

Canadian authorities should also investigate Khadr's allegations of torture while in the prison, she said.

"Canada now has the chance to right some of these wrongs."

Khadr's sentence will expire on October 30, 2018.

(With additional reporting by Jeffrey Hodgson in Toronto and Jane Sutton in Miami; Editing by Bill Trott and Sandra Maler)


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Pelican Lake drawdown gets boost for Legacy Amendment funds ...

A years-long effort to restore waterfowl habitat in Pelican Lake in Wright County has received a key recommendation for $2 million in Legacy Amendment funds.

The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council unanimously voted this month to recommend $2 million to fund a plan by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Ducks Unlimited to significantly lower the water levels of the 2,800-acre lake near Annandale.

The goal: kill all the fish, thus allowing the lake to shed its turbidity and foster regrowth of aquatic plants crucial to waterfowl and shorebird habitat.

Pelican Lake is among the most valued lakes close to the metro for its heritage of waterfowl production and hunting opportunities as a stopover for migrating ducks.

Although still a popular hunting destination, these days Pelican often sports a pea soup color from algae blooms. Instead of underwater fields of rooted vegetation -- macrophytes -- sections of the lake appear as open water speckled with islands of cattails.

The decline has been observed since the late 1970s and, according to the DNR, is attributable to higher water levels from agricultural practices, including drain tiling and ditching. The higher water has reduced the frequency of winterkills of fish. The last one was in 2001.

Today, Pelican supports a fishery of bluegill, crappie, largemouth bass and carp. Carp, a species not native to Minnesota waters, are known to ravage native macrophytes and increase water turbidity.

The result: wild celery, sago pondweed and other duck food disappears.

That fishery, which has become popular, is targeted for termination under the plan, according to DNR area wildlife manager Fred Bengtson.

"The lake evolved with winterkill," he told the Lessard-Sams Council on Sept. 21.

Bengtson said the lake was of "national importance" for waterfowl, and the DNR's plan is to manage it for wildlife, not fisheries. He noted about 1,000 acres of federally protected land lie along or near Pelican's shores -- key grasslands for duck nesting and breeding.

The lake has no natural outlet. The plan involves creating a gravity flow outlet that will allow the lake level to drop nearly two feet to its "ordinary high water level." Bengtson and Ricky Lien, wetland habitat team supervisor for the DNR, said the goal is to adjust the outflow to lower the water level an additional two feet. That likely will allow some level of winterkill, which occurs when oxygen is depleted under ice and snow.

However, to ensure what Bengtson called a "full fish kill," a pump will take over, and after several years, the lake will be about 10 feet below its current level. When all is said and done, the water should return to a "clear water state," and the duck grub should return soon after, according to the plan, which envisions completion of the pump station and water control outlet in 2015 and drawdown in 2017.

At a public meeting in Wright County this year, 70 percent of those commenting supported the plan, Bengtson said.

A similar system is reducing water levels at Lake Christina, near Ashby.

The DNR's initial request was for $2.1 million. The council's recommendation of $2 million is subject to approval by the Legislature and governor.

Pelican Lake was among $92 million in projects approved in the Lessard-Sams Council's "tentative final allocation recommendations." To see the full list, go to

Dave Orrick can be reached at 651-228-5512. Follow him at


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Probing the mysteries of cracks and stresses

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) ? Diving into a pool from a few feet up allows you to enter the water smoothly and painlessly, but jumping from a bridge can lead to a fatal impact. The water is the same in each case, so why is the effect of hitting its surface so different?

This seemingly basic question is at the heart of complex research by a team in MIT's Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) that studied how materials react to stresses, including impacts. The findings could ultimately help explain phenomena as varied as the breakdown of concrete under sudden stress and the effects of corrosion on various metal surfaces.

Using a combination of computer modeling and experimental tests, the researchers studied one specific type of stress -- in a defect called a screw dislocation -- in one kind of material, an iron crystal lattice. But the underlying explanation, the researchers say, may have broad implications for many kinds of stresses in many different materials.

The research, carried out by doctoral student Yue Fan, associate professor Bilge Yildiz, and professor emeritus Sidney Yip, is being published this week in the journal Physical Review Letters.

Essentially, the team analyzed how the strength of a material can increase quite abruptly as the rate of strain applied to the material increases. This transition in the rate at which a material cracks or bends, called a flow-stress upturn, has been observed experimentally for many years, but its underlying mechanism has never been fully explained, the researchers say.

"The formulation is not specific to this particular defect," Yildiz explains. Rather, she and her colleagues have figured out what they believe is a set of general principles. "We have proven that it works in this system," she says.

"There are implications that go beyond dislocations, beyond even crystals," Yip adds. But before extending the work -- something the team is working on now -- the researchers had to prove the principle by applying it to a specific case, in this case the screw dislocation in iron. While other researchers have analyzed behaviors associated with particular kinds of defects in specific materials, with these new general principles, "all of a sudden we have an explanation for their data that does not require such specific assumptions," Yip says.

Flow-stress upturn "is an important phenomenon in materials," Fan says, explaining how they bend and crack in a process called plastic deformation. "It's common in all metals," he says, as well as in many other materials.

But the way that deformation varies, depending on the forces being applied, Fan says, is similar to the way the surface of water in a pool can part gently when a diver hits the surface at a certain rate of speed, but doesn't have time to part and behaves like a solid when the impact is too rapid, as in a jump from a great height.

The key is something called "strain localization," Yip says -- that is, the way an impact or other stress is confined to a small initial location, and how rapidly the applied forces can then spread beyond that point. To understand that fully, he says, the team had to analyze how the atoms and molecules move to produce this behavior.

The team found that, in addition to the rate at which the strain is applied, the effect depends critically -- and in a highly predictable way -- on the temperature of the material. "People think they're independent," Fan says, but it turns out the effects of strain rate and temperature are strongly related.

The effects are quite dramatic, Yildiz says: The rate of change taking place within the material can suddenly change by orders of magnitude, transforming a slow erosion into a sudden catastrophic fracture. The analysis could potentially help predict the breakdown of structures as varied as concrete buildings, metal pressure vessels in powerplants, and the structural components of airplane bodies, but further work will be needed to show how these basic principles can be applied to these different materials.

"I don't want to say it's going to be the exact same phenomenon" in such different cases, Yildiz says, but the underlying principles of coupled environmental factors "could explain significant differences" in the way these materials behave under stress.

"We believe this behavior is universal" among different materials, Yip says, "but we haven't proven that yet. It's the beginning of a long journey."

Ting Zhu, a professor of physics at Georgia Institute of Technology, says the MIT team's work provides "a new perspective for a longstanding puzzle on the so-called upturn behavior of flow stress. The work represents a new paradigm that synergistically integrates the theoretical modeling with atomistic calculations, thereby enabling a parameter-free explanation of the puzzle." Zhu, who was not connected with this research, adds that, "Their approach should be generally applicable to a wide range of the flow-stress problems for both crystalline and glassy solids."

The work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy's Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors and its Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The original article was written by MIT News Office.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Yue Fan, Yuri N. Osetsky, Sidney Yip, and Bilge Yildiz. Onset Mechanism of Strain-Rate-Induced Flow Stress Upturn. Physical Review Letters, 2012; 109: 135503 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.135503

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

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New VSS Forecast Sees Radio Gaining 2% In Ad Spending For ...


2012-2016 Forecast

Spending within the U.S. Communications Industry will increase 5.2% in 2012 to reach $1.189 trillion as consumers and businesses increasingly embrace digital technology and return to spending levels not seen since before the recent worldwide economic downturn, according to the 2012 Forecast released today by VERONIS SUHLER STEVENSON.

The 26th edition of the VSS Communications Industry Forecast 2012-16 found that the U.S. Communications Industry spending grew 4.4% in 2011 to $1.129 trillion despite a sluggish economy in which nominal Gross Domestic Product expanded 3.9%. Spending rose at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.7% in the 2006-2011 forecast period, surpassing GDP by a 0.3%. VSS expects the Communications Industry to grow at a 5.2% CAGR to $1.455 trillion by 2016, almost two times the growth rate during the past five years. At that pace, the Communications Industry will remain the fifth-largest industry among 15 economic sectors in 2016.

Traditional Consumer Advertising spending will post a 2.0% gain in 2012 to $146.57 billion. Even-year political and Olympics spending on Broadcast Television and accelerated growth in Broadcast and Satellite Radio and Out-of-Home Media will drive the gain. Broadcast TV, Broadcast and Satellite Radio, and Out-of-Home Media will also drive a 2.1% CAGR in the forecast period.

"Digital's influence is now a constant and significant factor in every sector, segment and sub-segment of the U.S. Communications industry," said VSS Co-Founder/Pres. JOHN SUHLER. "At the same time as digital technology and innovation continue to spur growth in the industry or propel the communications industry forward, emerging digital media and services are significantly changing consumption habits among both institutional and consumer end-users. These developments will drive digital-related expenditures to constitute nearly 40% of the overall U.S. Communications Industry spending by 2016."

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Love and abuse - Ecademy

It's a shame that modern parlance abuses our fine language by reducing it to grunts and ad fab exaggerations like when people describe something fairly nice as "super" or get carried away with a simple liking for something as in "I adore carrots" or even when they twist a beautiful word to enhance their idiotic blog with things like "what is your passion in business?"

I think we've all had quite enough of grandiose exaggerations such as "core purpose" to describe basic choices made in life but we do all this with the language of course because it flatters our aching egos and we think it sounds cool.

Peeps aren't to blame, really, all those who were brought up in the perfect storm of British education when Labour progressive teaching theory was telling dis-empowered teachers that instead of making kids learn grammar and spelling they should all be invited to draw pictures accompanied by a bit of "creative writing" - when the Conservatives came along and hamstrung those self-same teachers with their National Curriculum, causing all the good educators who lovably threw blackboard dusters at you to quit forever.

It is a shame, however, that people do not know how ignorant they are, how little sense of sociological perspective or history they have, how they think this modern world is so iPadically marvellous and have no idea that human beings like us have lived differently, thought differently, felt differently and used much more subtle language.

In Sixteenth century England even common people were able to speak with almost Shakespearean complexity and inventiveness, whereas those self-same social classes today can barely grunt and swear at each other, can mostly just jeer at people they hate and cheer at nasty reality TV which they think is entertainment.

So, a huge amount of ordinary parlance amounts to a cruel abuse of the meanings of words, some of which I have mentioned above. That kind of utter exaggeration for effect is called "hyperbole" and in the hands of a great writer is a legitimate communication device. In the hands of a 21st century ignoramus, however, it becomes a means of spoiling, diluting and obscuring the real meaning of anything that matters.

Possibly the most abused word of all is the word LOVE. We routinely deploy it these days to mean just about any state of being from slightly liking a garment in a shop window to pretending we care for the whole human race. Worst of all, we have become so cynical about it that no one laughs when someone declines to use the word at all, even to those who need their affection, their partners and their children, their lifelong friends, parents and of course, their lovers.

It may interest you to know, then, that from the ancient Greeks and Romans onwards, before we shut them down, there were many words that had the meaning of love, all differentiated as to the object of your love...

EROS was a deity that stood for naughty love, erotic, taunting, teasing. AGAPE meant a generalised love of humanity and was later colonised big-time by the Christian religion. PHILAUTIA meant self love, tending towards self-centredness and behaviour such as we see online, vying for approval and affection. LUDUS was playful love, on the borderline between friendly playfulness and physical contact and could be with either sex or inter-generational, thereby making it potentially dodgy but great if it stayed relatively innocent. PRAGMA, the source of the word pragmatic, meant sensible love or the affection between ageing partners who have learned to live together. And there were other words and concepts for very strong friendship amounting to love, for family love, for love of your class or tribe or trading partners or colleagues or comrades.

They didn't have clich?s all narrowed down to one word and one concept, as in "Love is never having to say you're sorry?" There weren't tens of thousand of uneducated, juvenile bloggers piling in to show how very nice and wise they are every time the word "Love" or any other nice word came up. There weren't a load of smarmy gurus quoting the Dalai Sheep, Mother Tormenta, Nelson Mundelo, a cunning poem called Desiderata, Krishnamurti, St. Steve Jobs or any other saintly source to show how much they understand love and everything else that's nice.

People used to know that life is complex, subtle and paradoxical. They used to be adults. The price we pay for abusing our rich history of language and thought is that we reduce ouselves to a simplistic, childish level of dreary assertion whose chief purpose is not to explore life but to make us each look good. Nothing else. Most people do not speak or write a single thing without checking that it makes them look good first.

You can see that from the emptiness of their language. All idiotic, supposedly-branding memes and clich?s. God help us if there is a God, and there's another much-abused word?.



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Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Great Barrier Reef is heating up

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The Great Barrier Reef is heating up
The waters of Australia's Great Barrier Reef are getting warmer, satellite measurements show, which spells bad news for the myriad creatures that dwell in this rain forest of the ocean.

Source: NBCnews
Posted on: Thursday, Sep 27, 2012, 7:46am
Views: 2


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Americans still addicted to overdraft - The Term Sheet: Fortune's - CNN

FORTUNE -- The financial crisis was supposed to spur a new era of frugality and fiscal responsibility. It doesn't exactly appear to be working out that way.

Americans are once again increasingly overspending what they have in their checking accounts. In all, consumers were hit with $31.5 billion in so-called overdraft fees by banks in the past year, according to a new study from bank research firm Moebs Services. That compares to $30.8 billion in the same period a year before.

That was below the peek of $36.8 billion in the same period in 2008. But this year is still the first time overdraft fees have risen since the financial crisis. From mid-2008 to mid-2011, the number of times consumers were hit by overdraft fees had fallen by roughly a third. Now in the past nine months, the levying of overdraft penalties appears to be on the rise again, up 10% in the past nine months.

MORE: Card companies keep low rates for themselves

The question is whether this a a result of shady bank practices or poor money management. On the margin, it appears that overdraft fees have gotten a little more fair. Banks have shelled out hundreds of millions to settle claims that they re-ordered consumer purchases in order to trigger overdraft penalties as often as possible. And the Card Act made it illegal for banks to automatically enroll customers in overdraft protection, limiting the number of people who get hit with fees they didn't even know about.

There's probably still more work to be done to make these fees fair. Earlier this year, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said it was looking into way banks impose overdraft fees. Clearly, the pricing of overdraft fees, which average $30 per penalty, by banks still seems unfair. A similar loan from a payday lender would run you $17, according to Moebs.

But the most unfair thing about these fees might not be how they are charged, but who gets charged. Earlier this week, came out with a study that said ATM fees and high minimums basically means free checking accounts are dead.

MORE: ATM fees rise, free checking accounts fall

Still, while more people, though still not nearly everyone, pay something for the use of their bank account, most of us don't pay very much. There are about 150 million bank accounts in America, which generate around $41 billion in fees for banks. About three quarters of that, though, comes from overdraft penalties. And, according to Michael Moebs, 90% of overdraft fees are generated by just 18 million customers. The result: As with many other financial products, the vast majority of the costs of banks accounts are hoisted off on a relatively small population, and generally it's a population that is the least able to pay.

During the height of the Occupy Wall Street movement last year, Bank of America announced that it was considering charging all of its debt card customers a $5 monthly fee. The Occupiers reacted with outrage and disbelief. They organized sit-ins at bank branches, and called for people across the country to close their accounts at big banks and move their money to community banks. Eventually, Bank of America relented, and that was seen as one of the few big wins for the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Bu in retrospect it's not clear it was. The Occupiers may have squashed a move that might have made the financial sector a heck of a lot more fair. Banks should be scrapping overdraft fees in favor of lower broad based fees that everyone has to pay. The Occupiers underscored how hard it will be hard for banks to do that.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama warns U.S. will ?do what we must? on Iran

President Barack Obama addresses the 67th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters in New York,??NEW YORK?Exactly six weeks before Election Day, President Barack Obama stood on the world stage Tuesday and warned Iran that the United States will "do what we must" to stop Tehran from getting a nuclear weapon.

In what could be his last speech to the annual U.N. General Assembly, Obama also told Arab Spring countries groping their way uncertainly toward democracy that they have a friend?and a role model?in America. But, he said, they must battle the forces of intolerance and extremism threatening what should be "a season of progress."

"The United States of America will always stand up for these aspirations, for our own people, and all across the world. That was our founding purpose," he said.

The president, under fire from Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for his handling of Iran's atomic ambitions, dedicated part of his 30-minute address to warning the Islamic republic that he cannot live with a nuclear-armed Tehran.

"Make no mistake: a nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained," Obama said.

"It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear-arms race in the region, and the unraveling of the non-proliferation treaty," Obama continued. "That's why the United States will do what we must to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

The president's stern comments closely echoed his past warnings, and stopped short of drawing the clear "red line" Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has sought from Washington.

(Romney has at times taken a tougher stance. In a July speech in Jerusalem, he declared that "Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability presents an intolerable threat to Israel, to America, and to the world." The key word there was "capability"?not an actual nuclear weapon, but the ability to build one. That lined the Republican up more closely with Netanyahu.)

Obama denounced an anti-Islam video on the Internet that has partly fueled violent demonstrations throughout the Muslim world, calling the film "crude and disgusting."?But he explained that he could not simply ban it?and scolded those who denounce anti-Muslim speech but stay quiet when the target is Christianity.

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied," he said, in an apparent reference to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

"It is time to marginalize those who, even when not resorting to violence, use hatred of America, or the West, or Israel as the central organizing principle of politics," Obama said. "For that only gives cover, and sometimes makes an excuse, for those who resort to violence."

Obama noted that freedom of speech means he can condemn, but not ban, the video. "As president of our country, and commander-in-chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day," he said, drawing laughter from the audience of dignitaries. "And I will always defend their right to do so." And he invited the Muslim world to draw inspiration from America's protections for freedom of speech and religion.

"We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can become a tool to silence critics, or oppress minorities," he said. "We do so because given the power of faith in our lives, and the passion that religious differences can inflame, the strongest weapon against hateful speech is not repression, it is more speech?the voices of tolerance that rally against bigotry and blasphemy, and lift up the values of understanding and mutual respect."

Obama also paid tribute to the slain U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, killed along with three colleagues in what his administration has designated a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11.

Stevens "embodied the best of America," the president said. "Today, we must reaffirm that our future will be determined by people like Chris Stevens, and not by his killers."

Obama also delivered the kind of vigorous defense of his foreign policy that would not be out of place in his stump speech.

"The war in Iraq is over, American troops have come home. We have begun a transition in Afghanistan, and America and our allies will end our war on schedule in 2014," he said. "Al Qaeda has been weakened and Osama bin Laden is no more."

Images of anti-American riots?and the dramatic assault on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya?have helped degrade Obama's once-imposing advantage over Romney on foreign policy.


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Read the rest of this entry - Vietbac Security

One of the main marketing strategies that can help online retailers build a successful Internet business is search engine optimization (SEO), the process of tailoring your website to the algorithms that search engines use to rank websites based on ?signals? that the site emits.

However, search engine algorithms continue to change with time as the Web evolves (Panda Updates, anyone?), so online retailers need to evolve with the engines. We must make sure we keep up-to-date with best practices to claim the best possible rankings for relevant keywords.
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If you want your website to rank well in 2012, here are 6 components of SEO that online retailers should know about when optimizing their e-commerce website to rank well in top search engines:

Keywords. Keyword research is the first step to a successful SEO strategy. Those successful with SEO understand what people are searching for when discovering their business in a search engine. These are the keywords they use to drive targeted traffic to their products. Start brainstorming potential keywords, and see how the competition looks by using Google AdWords Keyword Tool. If you notice that some keywords are too competitive in your niche, go with long-tail keywords (between two and five words) which will be easier for you to rank. The longer the keyword, the less competition you will have for that phrase in the engines.

Meta tags. Meta tags still play a vital role in SEO. If you type any keyword into a search engine, you?ll see how that keyword is reflected in the title for that page. Google looks at your page title as a signal of relevance for that keyword. The same holds true for the description of that page. (Don?t worry about the keyword title tag ? Google has publicly said that it doesn?t pay attention to that tag, since it has been abused by webmasters and all those trying to rank for certain keywords.)
Content. It?s true, content is king. Search engines have stated that creating quality content is the best way to not only rank for keywords, but also create positive user experiences. It will also go a long way with making sure you?re educating your consumer, and being an authority in your niche will leads to boosts in sales.
Backlinks. If content is king, then backlinks are queen. Remember, it?s not about which site has the most links, but who has the most quality links pointing back to their website. Build backlinks by submitting monthly or bi-monthly press releases on any exciting company, and contacting popular blogs in your niche to see how you can work together to get a backlink from their website. Create the best possible product site you can, so people talking about the products you sell will link back. Try creating graphics or newsworthy content that will influence bloggers and news websites to link that content.
Social media. The algorithms have truly changed since social media first emerged. Many content websites are community-oriented ? Digg began allowing users to vote which stories make the front page, and YouTube factors views and user ratings into their front page rankings. Therefore, e-commerce stores must establish a strong social media presence on sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. These social media sites send search engines signals of influence and authority.
Product images. If you think images don?t play a role, think again. When many consumers search for products in the search engines, not only are they looking at the ?Web? results, but they?re also looking at the ?images? results. If you have quality images of that product on your site ? and the files? names contain relevant keywords ? these images will rank well in search engines. This avenue will drive a lot of traffic to your site, as potential customers will click on that image to find your store.

In addition to optimizing these six areas of your site, analyze your competitors and see what they are doing in terms of on-page optimization, off-page optimization (competitive link analysis) and social media. While you may be doing a lot of the same things they are, it?s incredibly important to think outside the box to get a leg up over the competition.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Google: Maps not waiting in wings for iPhone 5

2 hrs.

Google has made no move to provide Google Maps for the iPhone 5 after Apple?dropped the application in favor of a home-grown but controversial alternative, Google's Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said.

Apple launched its own mapping service earlier this month when it began providing the highly anticipated update to its mobile software platform iOS 6 and started selling the iPhone 5.

But users have complained that Apple's new map service, based on Dutch navigation equipment and digital map maker TomTom's data, contains glaring geographical errors and lacks features that made Google Maps so popular.

"We think it would have been better if they had kept ours. But what do I know?" Schmidt told a small group of reporters in Tokyo. "What were we going to do, force them not to change their mind? It's their call."

Schmidt said Google and Apple were in constant communication "at all kinds of levels." But he said any decision on whether Google Maps would be accepted as an application in the Apple App Store would have to be made by Apple.

"We have not done anything yet," he said.

Google and Apple were close partners with the original iPhone in 2007 and its inclusion of YouTube and Google Maps. But the ties between the two have been strained by the rise of Google's Android mobile operating system, now the world's leading platform for smartphones.

Schmidt said he hoped Google would remain Apple's search partner on the iPhone but said that question was up to Apple.

"I'm not doing any predictions. We want them to be our partner. We welcome that. I'm not going to speculate at all what they're going to do. They can answer that question as they see fit," he said.

Google provides Android free of charge and allows developers to add applications on an open basis, betting that by cultivating a bigger pool of users ??now at over 500 million globally ??it can make more money by providing search functions and selling advertising.

"Apple is the exception, and the Android system is the common model, which is why our market share is so much higher," Schmidt said, adding that success was often ignored by the media, which he said was "obsessed with Apple's marketing events and Apple's branding."

"That's great for Apple but the numbers are on our side," he said.

At one point, Schmidt, who was in Japan to announce the launch of Google's Nexus tablet here, used the device to show off a new function of Google Maps.

The feature allows users to shift their view of an area by moving the device in the air without touching the screen, similar to the effect of looking around.

"Take that Apple," he said, adding quickly, "That was a joke by the way."

(Writing by James Topham; Editing by Ryan Woo)

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Click For Restrictions -?


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How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Business | Constant Contact ...

This article is part of our series for London Social Media Week. Read all the posts in this series.

Instagram is a mobile photo editing and sharing app that saw its user base explode from 15 to 80 million since Facebook acquired the company back in April.

But even before the acquisition, many savvy brands had joined the platform?especially retail brands with stunning visual content. Clothing, media, and design-based brands were a natural fit for both the platform technology and Instagram?s early adopter user base.

However, unlike Facebook or Twitter, Instagram doesn?t have business-specific profiles, built-in visibility or engagement metrics, or paid advertising options.

So why are brands rushing to join yet another social network? Here?s why:

Instagram is easy-to-use ? and awesome!

Instagram?s technology helps you easily create stunning images that you can easily use on your other social networks.

Both Facebook and Twitter have optimized how photos are displayed on these platforms and you can share directly from Instagram to those platforms (as well as to Tumblr, Foursquare, Flickr, and email) automatically or by individual selection.

Instagram allows visual storytelling with no advertising

Both the way the platform works (the technology) and the way most users approach the platform (the user experience) allows brands to employ visual storytelling that has more continuity and artistic value than other platforms.

With the absence of advertising (or even clickable links in captions or comments), business uses for an Instagram profile begin and end (for now) with awareness and branding. However, a few images that encapsulate a brand moment in a second or two is much more impactful than lines and lines of copy?no matter how brilliant the writing is.

Instagram is mobile ? perfect for what people want ? instagramification

Instagram combines two of the most powerful forces in the social technology market?mobile and photo sharing?to create a platform that truly offers a unique value proposition. Brands with an Instagram presence can take advantage of that intersection where users are focusing their attention.

Here are six tips to help you get the most out of this powerful tool:

1. Use images to tell a story, not blast your branding

If you sell a product or service, make sure the images you use are about the experience of using the product or service, and not a product placement ad.

Starbucks is an example of a big brand that does this well. Sure their photos show lots of Starbucks cups, but their photos also tell a story?the focus is always on what the person is doing while enjoying their coffee?on the beach, reading a book, etc.

There?s not a lot of tolerance for marketing that?s obviously marketing. Keep it subtle and keep the focus on your customers.

2. Most photos fall into two categories: beautiful imagery or humor

Make sure your Instagram photos fall into one of these categories. Most users aren?t posting all their random party pics to their Instagram stream and brands should exercise similar constraint. Photo albums in that vein are for Facebook. Think of your Instagram photos as high value/low volume.

3. Don?t post too often

A general rule, don?t post more than three photos in a row or one every three hours. If you post more often than that, you run the risk of hogging your users? feed.

Anecdotally, I?ve noticed that most users follow between 50 and 250 users. I think this is a sign of social media maturity?folks are learning from their experiences on Facebook and Twitter that following too many accounts is overwhelming.

Also, unlike Facebook, the commitment level to an account is low??unfollows? can happen frequently. Don?t automatically share your Instagram photos?editorially select and customize each?one for the appropriate platform.

And remember, you can use apps like PicFrame to include several snaps in one Instagram. Just be sure the images are related and the impact is magnified (rather than splintered) when you use a collage.

4. Choose an account name that?s the same as your Twitter handle

Having the same Instagram account name and Twitter handle serves two purposes. One?your profile will be easily recognizable and easy to find. And two?if you are tagged by another user in a caption and that photo is shared on Twitter, that tag will link to your Twitter profile. It ensures that tagging makes sense when an Instagram photo is shared on other networks.

5. Use hashtags, but don?t be creepy about it

Like on Twitter, hashtagging photos enables discovery of your profile by users outside of your primary connections. You can use the search functionality on the app to find out which hashtags are often used. Like on Twitter, hashtagging Instagram?photos?by event, geolocation, or subject matter is a good idea.

Other hashtags people tend to use on Instagram are filters and colors. Hashtags tend to be somewhat limited on Twitter due to the character length limitations. Because Instagram doesn?t have these limitations, this has encouraged some users and brands to stuff Instagram captions with every hashtag imaginable. Don?t do this?it looks like you?re trying too hard. Even worse, it makes you look like a spammer.

6. Set up an account on a web-based viewer

Instagram?s focus continues to be all about the mobile experience, but the app recently added the ability to view individual photos on the web through a shareable link. This feature allows your Instagram?stream?to not only be seen by those not using the app, but allows those who do have an account to like and comment on a shared photo right from the web. However, using a separate web-based viewer can help you manage your presence and track your progress.

Using Instagram?s API, these tools recreate your feed on a webpage, so you can view multiple photos at a time (without scrolling) on your computer. Most often you can make the same actions (liking, commenting, searching, tagging, etc.) on these web viewers that you can make on the mobile app. My favorite tool is Statigram?they even have a few basic metrics, comment notifications, and an Instagram campaign toolkit.

Bottom line: As the old adage goes?a picture is worth 1,000 words. It?s still true today, but with Instagram, a picture may also be worth 1,000 ?likes,? retweets,?and shares!

Is your business using Instagram? Tell us how you you?ve used it to help promote your business!


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Egypt sentences 14 to death over Sinai attacks

ISMAILIA, Egypt (Reuters) - An Egyptian court on Monday sentenced 14 militant Islamists to death by hanging and four to life imprisonment for attacks on army and police forces in the Sinai Peninsula last year.

The verdicts showed the state's determination to deal firmly with militant activity in Sinai, which has increased since the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011. Security forces are mounting operations in the area following the killing 16 Egyptian border guards in August.

The men, members of a militant group called Tawheed and Jihad, were charged by the prosecutor with killing three police officers, an army officer and a civilian in attacks carried out in June and July, 2011.

Eight of the 14 death sentences were in absentia, court sources said.

"This court decision is a milestone. It gives a strong message to the militant groups that the state, President Mohamed Mursi's government, will not tolerate attacks on the Egyptian armed forces and police," said Nageh Ibrahim, an Islamist researcher and a former militant.

The verdicts were met with cries from the accused against President Mohamed Mursi, the Islamist head of state elected this year and who the defendants blamed for the court's decision.

"Mursi is an infidel and those who follow him are infidels," shouted one defendant.

Others cried "God is Great" as they listened to the judge from inside the metal cage in which they stood during trial sessions.

The bearded men in the cage wore traditional white robes and some were seen holding the Koran, Islam's holy book. They were accused of opening fire on a police station and a bank in the city of Arish in North Sinai.

The prosecutor said that Tawheed and Jihad group was propagating a hardline Islamist view which allows adherents to declare the head of state an infidel and to carry arms against the government.

The same group was accused of carrying out a series of bomb attacks in 2004 and 2005 against tourist resorts in South Sinai, which lead to the deaths of 34 people.

Egypt and Israel have said they are coordinating on the security operation in Sinai in which hundreds of Egyptian troops with tanks, armored vehicles and helicopters were sent in a joint operation with police to raid militant hideouts, arrest suspects and seize weapons.

Ibrahim, who was jailed during the 1990s but later became one of the leading Islamists to call for an end to violence against the state, said the verdicts will deter other militants from attacking their neighbor Israel.

"Mursi's government is adamant about stemming any attacks across the border because this will give Israel an incentive to reoccupy Sinai. Now is the time for development not war, "Ibrahim said.

(Reporting by Yusri Mohamed in Ismailia. Additional reporting by Marwa Awad in Cairo, Writing by Marwa Awad, Editing by Angus MacSwan)


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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Top Air Max Pas Cher Bronchial asthma Managing Methods For ...

Symptoms of asthma might be a hereditary problem or it might be caused by environmental Air Max Pas Cher causes. It might occur to men and women of any age and ethnicity. It can bring about a horrifying sense of being unable to inhale and exhale. This article can assist you to manage your asthma and look for powerful remedies to reduce the severeness and regularity of episodes.

Don?t hesitate to use alternative techniques for managing your asthma. Exercise routines like meditation and yoga exercise not just supply health and fitness benefits, nevertheless they can aid you to focus your breathing and unwind your system. Yoga and fitness has been found being probably the most successful techniques for building up your respiratory system.

You need to get your exercising however, you ought to gradually function your path Air Max to a full regimen to be sure that your symptoms of asthma is not heading to provide you with a problem. This may not affect anyone with asthma attack so you may be fine, however you should go gradually to make sure that you are not likely to come with an strike.

If you?re caught without the need of your inhaler if you have an invasion, grab a cup of coffee. The caffeine intake within the beverage will open up your air passages and enable you to inhale a little easier. Should you don?t use a caffeinated refreshment available, the small quantities of caffeine intake in the chocolate bar can also help.

Make your household engaged in your therapy and care Air Max Pas Cher by ensuring they know how your sickness affects your life. In case you have assistance out of your loved ones, producing adjustments that help you tend to be simpler. Likewise, with assistance from your loved ones, the treatment options and methods that you simply choose to use prevent bronchial asthma attacks, will probably be quicker to apply.

By some means, an bronchial asthma assault has a tendency to get worse the tougher you might try to inhale. Here are some tips to relieve the discomfort of an common strike. Once you begin to get signs and symptoms, inhale and exhale via your nose area, make an effort to chill out and don?t overcome your respiration. Ultimately, try to reduce your inhaling rate to the actual way it sensed before the invasion Air Max started out.

Don?t believe that you are doomed to enjoy your life as an invalid due to your asthma. There are actually sportsmen with the top levels who are suffering using this condition. You simply need to know and get away from your activates, exercise caution with your exercising, and acquire your medicines on a regular basis as recommended. Having a very poor perspective can in fact make the signs or symptoms worse.

Exercise is amongst the most important points that can be done if you have asthma. Visit the health and fitness center a minimum of thrice each week and offer the muscles a training. This will likely give your body some time to modify and build its capacity to lower your bronchial asthma signs and symptoms.

As documented Air Max previously mentioned, bronchial asthma could be an issue that may be inherited or it may occur due to environment leads to. Individuals of all ages and ethnic backgrounds might be susceptible to the ravages than it. By teaching yourself with the details on this page you may hope to deal with your asthma strikes as well as the negative effects of them.

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Diet, Activity and Meds Can Help Manage Obesity

In America alone, close to 40% of the population are obese! A sadder and more shocking fact is that close to 19% of the children are also obese. According to the World Health Organization, obesity is no longer confined to developed countries. It is also a major health problem in developing countries. Obesity occurs when there is abnormal and excessive body fat. Obesity also increases the risk of various illnesses, such as, heart attacks, high blood pressure, kidney diseases, cancer etc. Weight gain occurs due to excessive food consumption and a sedentary lifestyle. Decreasing the consumption of high calorie foods and increasing physical activity can help reduce weight gain. Weight loss can also be aided by Xenical.

Understanding a Healthy Weight
Many people have misconstrued ideas about what their ideal weight should be. Many people consider their weight ?healthy? if they are super-thin. Others do not consider a healthy weight at all. Understanding what the average normal weight is extremely important for their health. The best way to understand the ?normal? weight of a person is to compare the ratio of the body weight with the height of the person. This is referred to as the Body Mass Index or BMI. According to the calculation of a BMI calculator, a person with a BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight, while a person with a BMI of more than 30 is considered obese. A person is overweight, if the BMI is between the ratio of 25 and 29.9. Therefore, keeping the BMI between the ratio of 18.5 and 24.9 is a healthy way to live. Although the BMI is an excellent method to ensure normal, healthy weight, it does have its limitations. Therefore, the BMI calculations should only be kept as a guideline.

Staying Fit and Healthy with Diet and Exercise
A proper diet and exercise are the two best methods of ensuring a healthy weight. The consumption of excessive calories requires it to be expended. A diet high in fiber, protein, and other vitamins and minerals is essential for good health. Consuming excessive fatty, saturated foods, oily foods and sugary foods can increase the risk of weight gain. Excessive carbohydrates can also increase the fat in the body. Carbohydrates need to be expended in order for it not to convert into fat. This is a guaranteed if there is no proper exercise. There are two methods of losing weight. This is the healthy way and the unhealthy way. Overweight or obese people should never try to lose weight too fast. This can increase health risks. Changes to diet and exercise should be introduced gradually. They should always consult a doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. Most doctors recommend, at least, 30 to 40 minutes of exercise every day followed by weight bearing exercises to tone the body.

Losing Weight with Medication
Weight loss can be aided with various medications. Xenical is an over-the-counter medication that aids in weight loss. It acts as a fat blocker by blocking, at least, 30% of the fat calories in a diet from being absorbed into the body. This medication, when combined with a healthy diet and proper exercise plan, helps reduce pounds. The medication also helps keep the weight off, enabling proper weight maintenance. The drug is extremely suitable for obese persons.

Side effects may be present with the medication. These include increased bowel movements, dizziness, headache, oily or gas discharge, vomiting, insomnia etc. Patients experiencing numbness, depression or serious allergic reactions should consult their doctors without fail.

Being obese significantly increases the risk of various diseases. Obesity can be prevented with proper exercise, diet and medications such as Xenical. The medication can be purchased at discounted prices from international drugstores such as Big Mountain Drugs. It operates as a Canadian affiliate pharmacy, allowing it to benefit from Canadian price regulations allowing cheaper supply prices of top drugs, benefiting customers with over 60% discounts from standard retail prices in countries such as USA.

About the Author

Author Chani M Thebuwana contributes health articles courtesy of Big Mountain Drugs Canada, one of the top rung Canadian pharmacies. You can buy various Canada Rx drugs for any illness or medical condition, via our online pharmacy, at hugely discounted prices. You can buy Xenical online in branded form or check on generic Xeni

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