Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Office Affairs Are Killer Career Moves | EZLifestyles

An office affair can have a killer effect on your career and on the vibe of your work environment in general. Contrary to popular belief, and tip-toeing around sexual harassment, there?s a lot of loving going on in the office. With endless work weeks, the reclaiming of emotional wholeness, and a new ideal of love as partnership, it makes a lot of sense to a lot of people ? except those in human resources.

There are many offices romances these days. According to several recent studies, about 80 percent of employees have either observed or been in a romantic relationship at their workplace. Cell phone messaging and texting is the new in thing for many professionals, as they fake appointments and meetings, for the sake of being seduced by the desktop light.

Office lovers spend most of their breaks in the caf?s and restaurants that are a stone throw away from their place of work. There are incidences of bosses seducing their junior employees just for the fun of it or to satiate their wild lusts. Such employees are pampered by this power that hovers over them. Yet, the person in a senior position loses their sense of authority and in effect, relinquish their power of reasoning to manipulation.

There is a case of a certain junior clerk who had an affair with his boss. The boss is the one who had initiated the initial spark. The spark had become a flame, and the flames into a roaring fire. It had been a steady love affair and would have grown into something even more had it not been for the knowledge of his wife.

A worker who is a proponent of this, of entertaining an affair with the boss, appears untouchable and may intimidate colleagues. It undermines authority; it creates a climate of segregation between employees, and mistrust. People in leadership positions must lead by example, and not be the wrong example.

For any organization aspiring to be effective in these days of corporate and social responsibility, moral cleanliness is like two sides of a coin. It would never be a coin without either of the two sides. Bosses and leaders should be epitomes of a moral perfection which the juniors can resonate with. Bosses should try to maintain platonic relationships with the employees and juniors. Inappropriate discussions and gestures should not be entertained between employer and employee.

Every day we should be inclined to do something that will inch towards a better tomorrow. A better workplace environment and better, healthier relationships at the workplace, so we can enjoy an environment free of drama and heartbreak, that we can focus more on our ambitions, and happiness.

Filed Under: Careers Advice ? Featured Artcles

Tags: careers ? Infidelity ? office affairs ? professionalism ? trust ? work


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